Hiatus, “The List”, and what’s to come


So I’m back from hiatus, or “total failure to blog” if I’m being truthful. In that time I’ve written a whole new book, although I hate the ending of it so I’ve put it in the proverbial drawer til I can figure it out. I’m currently working on my new top secret project. I’d say its going swimmingly but it’s got complicated because of the way the stories knit together.

So what can you expect from the reboot? Well, more of the same to be fair. News, reviews, round ups, lists when I’m lazy and of course prattlings about writing.

In the next couple of weeks myself and the fabulous Kate over at Reading Through Infinity will be buddy reading through Melinda Salisbury’s State of Sorrow. You’ll be able to follow the progress on twitter, goodreads, and of course we’ll be blogging it on both our sites.

It just so happens that State of Sorrow is one of the books on “The List”.

“The List” is my TBR. The one that is so large it’s basically sentient at this point. I’m lying to myself about how long it is because i keep leaving books off it. Also new books keep arriving that require reading and then I’m also writing a book which takes time I could be reading and well there’s a fabulous quote of my wall from Jeff Zentner.

My dying words will likely be regretting the books I didn’t finish.

So there’s the tea. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need a brew.


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